Friday 9 November 2012

Siri Speaks the Truth

Kim writing ... Tucker and I drove down to Vancouver today in an attempt to catch up to Darlene and Jordan who were flown down from Kelowna in an Air Ambulance en route to Canuck Place Children’s Hospice. We were not able to give Jordan the help he needs at home. On the way, I used a program on my IPhone called Siri. I can ask the program questions and it does its best to answer.
I asked, “Use maps to find Canuck Place Children’s Hospice in Vancouver”
This was the answer it gave:

I repeated the question, and this was the second answer it provided:
I understand that these answers might be pre-programed into the mix, but I had never seen them before. And no matter what, they are true. And I heard truth when I really needed it - because the words Children and Hospice should never be in the same title. It’s not right that we are here. It’s not right that we need their help even though we are grateful for their help. They are great people dedicated to embracing life and hope to get us back home next week.

A man named Joe prayed powerfully for Jordan last week. Here’s what I remember: “We Command, We Stand and then We Rest in what Jesus has done.” Please pray for us in that rest part.