Sunday 25 November 2012

Dad, why is my bed shaking?

We found out how to lengthen the bed beside Jordan, so last night I got to have a sleepover with him. This morning the tears just wouldn’t stop.  It’s tough to cry really hard and not make any noise.  I did my best.  All the loss and wrongness of the past 11 months was overwhelming. Like most of you, when I need some perspective, I have my favourite worship playlist. As the first song rose, I was prompted to dance. Dance through the tears. And I knew the pleasure of Jesus in it. In fact, that has to be the most common knowing these days for me.  I hear, “This is my brother, whom I love. With him I am well pleased”.  In the midst of the dance, Jordan asked me (it’s getting hard to understand what he says), “Dad, why is my bed shaking?” I told him I was dancing. Dancing upon injustice, dancing in the face of fear and loss. Dancing in prep for the celebration of wholeness. When you fix your eyes upon Jesus, it’s hard not to dance.

We have heard an increasing chorus of people who are rising up in an intercession that is new for them. We hear that they are praying like they have never prayed before. That’s true for us too – although there is a rest in the midst of the prayer. Lately, we have received an invitation from our friends out east. They have offered to be a clearing house for any dreams or revelations that you have been receiving for Jordan.  Some have been asking about prophetic words that we have received for Jordan and even about his name. We chose Jordan because great things happened in that river. The Israelites crossed over the Jordan River toward the Promised Land. Jesus heard his Father’s affirmation and Holy Spirit descended upon him in that river. Great things happen to people when they get to know Jordan. The name actually means to descend. Jesus descended to us to make all things new. Jordan is called to go low and make things new for the broken, sick and lost. He is called to carry the fullness of the King and the Kingdom without fear and with great faith and love. He has significant favour.

Here’s a conversation Jordan had yesterday with a social worker who came into his room to find out how he could help Jordan make the most of his little bit of awake, not painful time.
"What do you want to do Jordan?"
"I want to heal people." 
Long Pause with a perplexed look on the social worker's face
"Well Jordan, I have been hearing conversations over the past 2 weeks among the staff.  And you are healing people right here....and you have things to say to other kids in your situation."
"That's okay but I need to be healed so I can heal people"
Not much to say after that hey?
 So, if you have dreams or revelations, please send them to