Sunday 21 October 2012


So Jordan went to sleep tonight planning out what he'll do when he sees his body restored.  Heads up - it includes a lot of parties with lots of food.  He wants to invite everyone who has been praying for him to a giant banquet where we end up commanding every sickness, disease and pain to GO!

But the first day Jordan wants to show up at his friends' schools and during lunch and just say "Hi, let's throw a football around!" Before that, he will run out on the street just yelling that he is healed.  He'll play frisbee and badminton with me, basketball with his dad and take Tucker for runs, not walks.

This morning in our Sunday gathering, Jordan blessed me for living up to the name I married into.   Somewhere back we read the name Unrau means tenacious and have reminded our sons of that ever since.  It is who we are and who we are becoming.

The friends praying over the phone for Jordan this week has been life to us since we haven't been really social.  Joel flew home yesterday for a week long stay.....sooo good to have him with us.  He just jumps into bed beside Jordan or lays on the floor near him and just lays his hands on him to command in the Name of Jesus.