Sunday 17 June 2012

Fathers Day

Jordan has enjoyed a two full nights and one full day with limited pain or nausea since almost doubling his dosage once again.  It's been a relief for all of us...yet strange how we were almost more tired.  Kim thinks it's an adrenaline low after the storm.
Joel is now 20 as of Friday. Looks like we may get another week with him before he heads to summer camp counselling in Saskatchewan with Matt who is already working as Program Director.  Joel has been kept busy here as Entertainment Director.  He has been able to find the funniest YouTubes, cartoons and comedy sketches.  For me, there is nothing like watching Jordan laugh with Joel.
I watch Kim at least once a day head outside for a walk to wrestle this whole thing out with God.  It is Father's Day today and I am honored to be caregiving alongside such a terrific dad. His roles include, but are not limited to:  TA Technical Advisor for all things screens, CFO Chief Financial Officer, NG Night Guard, CM Counsellor to Mom as well as CM Chief Mechanic for our car and Jordan's remote control car. 

I wonder what my Dad's perspective is like now.  He has been in heaven for almost 2 years.  How does he view what is going on with his youngest grandson?  Could really use some heavenly wisdom right about now.