Friday 13 January 2012

Next Step

Wow! While yesterday was stinky, today was better. Thank you God for sunshine in Vancouver and fun staff and wonderful friends who bring Lego and Star Wars posters and encouraging emails and God’s people praying. Even though I was so hurt by what looked like God’s inaction last night, He was here for us all this morning. Watching Jordan struggle with God is THE WORST. Questions like, “Why would an all-powerful God, not do something when He can and He loves me?” I don’t know because all my theological training doesn’t matter two hoots right now. I don’t know.

And yet, a week ago, I felt God tell me that I could look through Scripture and find every godly man struggle with being disappointed with Him. Yuck!

The chemo has just started…oh to avoid pouring this poison through his veins. So we’re agreeing the oil of Holy Spirit throughout Jordan’s body…Jesus’ blood covering Him. So NO Pain and No Nausea….and Healing. Disappearance of the tumors and healing of Jordan’s bones.

- - Darlene